Mom pleads guilty to drowning autistic son (Sam Spital)

Commentary by San Diego criminal lawyer Sam Spital:

“In the December 28, 2012 edition of the UT San Diego news, a 37 year old mother pled guilty to second degree murder for drowning her 4 year old autistic son. This is the case in which the mother drove to the police station with her lifeless infant in her car and confessed to the horrific crime shortly after the incident. The unforgivable motive for the killing seems apparent because the mother stated she had no life since she had to take care of her son. The article also revealed the mother unsuccessfully tried to drown herself.
The sentencing hearing is scheduled for January 28th at which point the mother faces 15 years to life in state prison for drowning her son. Little is known about the mother, including her mental state, past family, employment and social history, nor who is the father of the infant child. Some of these factors may be disclosed at the time of the next hearing. These will never excuse the actions of the defendant, but often assist the court in determining the nature and extent of a sentence in a criminal case.”