Navy officer murdered in Mission Valley apartment; brother in jail (Sam Spital)

Commentary by San Diego Homicide Defense and Criminal Law Attorney SAM SPITAL:

“On January 29, 2013, the digital edition of CBS Channel 8 news reported the 21 year old brother of the victim who was killed over the past weekend was arrested for first degree murder. Jonathan (Jake) Tenorio was 25 years old and found stabbed to death; he was from Guam and an Officer in the Navy.

Other news sources reported Jonathan was an Ensign who was serving on the San Diego based missile carrier Bunker Hill, was recently married and a U.S. Naval Academy graduate in Annapolis.  The brother who is now a suspect in the killing had just arrived in San Diego from Guam for the World Professional Jiu Jitsu Championship Trials.

While condolences go out to the family members, there was very little information presented by the author of the news piece about the victim. The story causes one to have mixed feelings in that it strains credulity to believe there could be any justifiable motive and/or possible explanation for a family killing, particularly that involving young, adult siblings. This shocking news, however, tends to point out the escalating life challenges, anxiety and stress that often underlie the increased number of crimes in what otherwise can be considered quiet neighborhoods that in the past have had few homicides if any.

The criminal defense lawyer will likely retain an experienced forensic team as well as private investigators to gather the facts to be in a position to better strategize the steps it will take in the criminal case.”

–Sam Spital