Scripps Ranch teen dies in motocross crash (Sam Spital)


“On November 27, 2012, the UT posted online an account of a teenage boy whose aspiration was to become a professional motocross racer and during an Olympic race while making a  high speed jump crashed head first. Sadly, the 16 year old boy sustained a catastrophic spinal cord injury after which the parents gave the order to take him off life support when the doctors said there was no hope of any long turn recovery.

This is a heartbreaking end to the life of a young boy who was highly motivated and focused, obviously dedicated to a professional career and honed the necessary skills to succeed. The protective gear he wore, including a special neck brace and a racing helmet, however, did nothing to prevent the devastating injuries. While no money can compensate for the family’s loss, litigation can be meaningful since filing a lawsuit will send a message to equipment manufacturers to be more responsible and, therefore, excel in research and development to provide improved and safer state of the art professional racing gear.”

–Sam Spital