Statistics Show More Women and Minorities in Law Firms

The National Association of Law Placement (NALP) reported an increase in the percentage of women and minorities in law firms. Although the Report on Diversity in Law Firms on showed limited gains in 2017 over the previous reported period of time, the increase demonstrates that more women and minorities (Black African American) are choosing law as their career.

There are approximately 35% of the lawyers in the larger law firms who are women, and 15% who are minorities, In addition, the percentage of women and minorities who became partners in law firms increased as well. On the other hand, the disparity is far greater in some cities (for example, only 3% of the partners are women and minorities in Miami) than other cities (for example, 27% in New York) . When comparing the data to 40 years ago, there is clearly a far greater percentage of women and minorities today who have chosen law as their career and became partners in law firms. Proponents claim diversity is a positive factor in society, and it is likely the trend will continue.