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Restrictions on State Agencies From Utilizing Convictions and False Statements

Effective July 1, 2020, AB 2138 becomes operative as law in California (approved and signed by the Governor 9/30/18), as follows: Under current law, the licensing and regulation of various professionals and occupations fall within the Department of Consumer Affairs. These state agencies are empowered to take disciplinary action against a licensee, including to deny … Read More

Important Choices To Preserve Humanity

President Harry Truman, on April 11, 1952, signed into law a bill that proclaimed the National Day of Prayer. Thereafter in 1988, President Ronald Reagan amended the law designating the first Thursday of May each year as the National Day of Prayer. While it is not a public holiday, there are countless prayer gatherings across … Read More

Exceptional Attorney and Essential

There may have been a point when one distinguished between exceptional and essential. Many individuals may have been content in utilizing a physician, dentist, accountant, and/or an attorney, perhaps as long as they were not inferior. However, is it any different in reading or watching the news, utilizing a barber or beautician, going out to … Read More

The Future of Healthcare Technologies and Interoperability

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has recently proposed new Rules in which the concept of INTEROPERABILITY will [continue to] increase the positive impact on our health system in general, and our own health care in particular, by utilizing electronic devices. What does Interoperability mean? I will summarize it being a process … Read More

New California Law: Use and Abuse of Drugs

Effective January 1, 2019, Business and Professions Code Section 740 became new California law (Assembly Bill  2760 was signed by then Governor Brown on September 10, 2018) requiring those who prescribe medication to be more vigilant of patients who have an increased risk of substance abuse. A prescriber is now required to provide education to … Read More


Linguistics is the study of language. It is reflected in everything we say and what we do. Essentially, it impacts how we communicate with others. In this regard, every word can have significance; many of which are like a double-edged sword, in which there can be two completely different meanings. To be effective in the … Read More

Canadian Government Legalizes Marijuana

On October 17, 2018, the Federal Government of Canada legalized cannabis. At best, this is a national experiment and controversial legislation. Clearly, the tax profits available to the Canadian government are enormous,  and the vast numbers of businesses devoted to the production, distribution and sales of marijuana seem boundless.  And, the question of health to … Read More

Mandatory Patient Prescription Reporting Data Base

On July 1, 2016, Health and Safety Code Section 11165.1 required all designated California licensed professionals who are authorized to prescribe, order, administer and/or furnish Schedule II, III and IV controlled substances to register, on a database that is commonly referred to as CURES 2.0,  the Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System. CURES is … Read More


How does one define the role of a lawyer? What are your expectations? Do you want an average lawyer or a truly great attorney? Here is a list of questions you might want to ask yourself and the lawyer with whom you consult: Do you want a lawyer who is pro-active, meticulous and believes in … Read More

Supreme Court Rules Against Mandatory Union Dues

The case of Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31 (Janus v. ASCME), No. 16-1466 (June 27, 2018), is a landmark decision is which the U.S. Supreme Court held public sector employees, specifically those in state and local government,  cannot be required to pay membership fees if they do not … Read More