Category Archives: law enforcement


Our communications are not intended to deal exclusively with mandatory reporting requirements, whether applicable or not. The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) is found in the California Government Code, section 11340 et seq. This statute establishes “rulemaking” procedures and standards for California state agencies. Additionally, California regulations must be in compliance with regulations adopted by OAL … Read More

Mandatory Patient Prescription Reporting Data Base

On July 1, 2016, Health and Safety Code Section 11165.1 required all designated California licensed professionals who are authorized to prescribe, order, administer and/or furnish Schedule II, III and IV controlled substances to register, on a database that is commonly referred to as CURES 2.0,  the Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System. CURES is … Read More

US Supreme Court Invalidates Federal Ban on Sports Betting

In the May 14, 2018 case of MURPHY. vs. NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSN., the U.S. Supreme Court held the Federal law that barred sports betting was null and void. Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. wrote in the majority opinion: the Federal law was a violation of state sovereignty because it “unequivocally dictates what … Read More

Rehabilitation of Inmates and Prisoners

When we go back in history, there was a time when those incarcerated would receive vocational training, such as wood shop, electric shop, metal shop, upholstery, plumbing, gardening, and most importantly learn any other skill that would increase their basic knowledge, enhance their self esteem, provide an opportunity for a more positive transition to life … Read More


In California, an increasing number of law enforcement officers are using body cameras [more commonly referred to as “body cams”], which are attached to their clothing to record the encounters and work they perform while on duty. Proponents claim the goal is to increase the public’s trust and confidence in all peace officers, including the … Read More